

Discover the best desk setups from the internet✌️

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Hey folks 👋, Zetups is a curated list of the best desk setups from all over the internet. Every week, we research, select, categorize and post new desk setups from awesome individuals. I created this platform to express my enthusiasm about desk setups and share it with all the people like me. So, whether you are looking for desk setup inspiration or you just like to see other's people setups, this place is for you. On the other hand, if you have a cool desk setup and want to be featured, just follow the instructions in our website. Tech stack: - ReactJS, NextJS, Bootstrap. - Supabase - Vercel - Google Analytics Looking forward to hear your feedback, questions or any suggestion. Follow us to discover awesome desk setups! https://twitter.com/zetups_com Happy coding ✌️, Jon.

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