How it works

How Uneed's launches are working, what can you win and what should you do?

Uneed has two goals: to enable you to discover new products, and to promote your own.

Launch your product on Uneed

Every day at 12:00 AM PST, 8 to 15 products are launched on the homepage, and they directly compete: they are sorted by the number of votes they receive from the community. 24 hours later, the most popular products are permanently added to Uneed, and benefit from a dofollow backlink.

How to launch your product on Uneed?

After creating an account, go to this page to add your product. Our robots will collect as much information as possible, and you will need to complete the rest. Once your product is complete, two options are available to you:

  • Go through the waiting line for free: your product will be added to the queue, and a launch date will be automatically assigned to you. The waiting time can be long, but in return, you are certain that your product will be featured and automatically displayed on the homepage.
  • Pay to skip the line: for a payment of $30, you can skip the queue and choose your own launch day.

How to succeed in launching on Uneed?

The principle is simple: the more upvotes your product collects, the higher it will be displayed on the homepage, increasing its visibility. To maximize your chances of success, here are some tips:

  • Prepare your launch: notify your users, your friends, your family, and ask them to vote for your product. The more votes you get from the first day, the more likely you are to stay at the top of the homepage.
  • Take care of your product: work on your logo and descriptions, and add as much information to your product as possible. The more complete your product is, the more attractive it will be to users.
  • Add deals: adding deals for Uneed users grants you a special badge, which will allow you to stand out from other products. Plus, it's a good way to entice our users to test your product.

What next?

If your product gathered more than 1 upvote (or if you skipped the line), it will be permanently added to Uneed, and you will benefit from a dofollow backlink. You can then continue to promote your product on Uneed by adding deals, and by inviting your users to vote for your product. Our users will be able to discover your product by browsing our site thanks to its category and its tags: choose them wisely.

Discover new products

Uneed is an excellent way to discover new products that meet your needs. Browse our site by choosing a category, refine your selection with tags, and discover products similar to those you already know from their product page.

More features on this topic coming very soon!

A special request?

If you have a special request or questions to ask us, do not hesitate to contact us at the following address: