


Transform your personality into art.

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Showcase your personality in an artistic way! Take a quick personality test and get a stunning, personalized image - your own SoulGem. Each test and image is one-of-a-kind, reflecting your unique traits. Dive in and reveal your true colors! I am sooo hyped for you to test my first website ever, SoulGem! It’s a super simple website where you can generate a unique image—your very own SoulGem—based on your personality traits. Here's how it works: Take a Quick Test: Answer 12 randomly selected questions from a pool of 100 or so Get Your Personality Overview: Receive a brief summary of your personality Generate Your SoulGem: Choose from three formats: square profile picture, smartphone wallpaper, or desktop wallpaper Each SoulGem is one-of-a-kind, and you'll get an explanation of the colors and shapes used to represent your unique self. This uses Dall-E 3 under the hood, and it's inspired by the famous MBTI personality test. Prepare to be blown away by the beauty of your SoulGem, or at least amused, I hope! :) The idea for this site came to me while reading "Principles" by Ray Dalio—which I highly recommend to you, by the way! Around the middle of the book, he writes: "We have found that something like twenty-five to fifty attributes can pretty well describe what a person is like. Each one comes in varying degrees of strength (like color tones). If you know what they are and put them together correctly, they will paint a pretty complete picture of a person." As you may have understood by now, I took him quite literally 😹 And I thought, why not build this? At the time, I was experimenting with Dall-E 3 and was astonished by the results compared to previous models. My reasoning then was: "Everyone is unique + Every generated image is unique = Every SoulGem is unique (and awesome hopefully)" Weird math, I know, but it felt like Eurêka at the moment. So here we are, two months after reading that 229th page and definitely a lot of prompting. I hope SoulGem offers you a bit of fun and maybe even a nice new wallpaper! I will greatly appreciate any feedback and please post your SoulGem in the comments for me to judge your feedback accordingly lol :) PS : Love you, Ray PS2 : Use MATRIX for 50 free credits 😸

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