

The open source email platform for anyone using AWS SES.

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If you are a Startup, chances are your entire tech stack is on AWS but you are not using AWS SES. Instead you use a third party email service like Mailchimp or SendGrid.

AWS SES has the same reliability and deliverability as any other email service. And it comes at a price point too good to ignore. So why does SES not have 'top-of-mind' recall when it comes to email. There are a few reasons we know of.

  • AWS SES is hard to get started with. You need to get out of the sandbox first.

  • There's pages and pages of documentation to deal with.

  • There's no contact management.

  • You cannot design and manage email templates.

  • Expensive add-ons (delivery dashboard/virtual deliverability manager).

Is there a way to overcomes these hurdles? YES. That's where SENDUNE comes in.

SENDUNE abstracts away all the complexity of sending emails with AWS. What you get is a highly reliable way to deliver all your transactional and marketing messages at a fraction of the cost.

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