

Never answer the same question again! A unified search across your enterprise.

Introducing QueryPal: An AI assistant that can help you manage your enterprise knowledge. Get better, faster answers for your whole team with an AI chatbot trained on your company documents. You can integrate QueryPal as a Slack app and then integrate it with numerous documentation tools (Notion, Confluence, Google Drive, OneDrive), and task management systems (Jira, Monday), as well as external documents (websites, shared PDFs). Never answer the same question again! You can try it now, by installing on our website or request a demo: www.querypal.com Don't want to commit? You can try it out in our public workspace too: https://join.slack.com/t/querypal-community/shared_invite/zt-2eu1ro38k-Cl5FZojkCW_c1Ul5b0aniw

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