
New Tab Notes

Chrome extension that turns your new tab page into a clean yet powerful notepad.

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Transform your new tab page into a clean, distraction-free notepad. Your words are saved and synced as you type by your browser, so no account is needed! πŸ“‘ ✨ Rich Text Formatting with Shortcuts Format text with markdown and keyboard shortcuts. πŸ”„ Synced and Auto-saved in Your Browser Securely stored, instantly saved and synced across your devices. βœ‚οΈ Copied Text Beautifully Formatted Copied text from websites and other sources will be neatly formatted. πŸ“ Save to Multiple Formats Download your notes to Markdown, HTML or plain text. πŸ” Zoom Text and Customize Customize fonts and adjust zoom preferences. πŸŒ“ Dark and Light Themes Toggle between Dark and Light theme modes. Got an idea... πŸ’‘ just open a new tab and write it down! Happy typing!