
LostAndFound.com ID Returns QR Code

Put an anonymous QR Code on your personal property for recovery!

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As the most logical place to look online for lost and found articles and pets, LostAndFound.com provides a dedicated page to quickly reunite our users with their lost property. The premise is quite simple. We assign you a unique identification number for your personal property and/or pets. You place this number and our recovery information on your personal property or pets by asset tags that we can provide or you can generate yourself. Once a pet or item is found, the finder is directed to this page, www.lostandfound.com/ID, to input your unique code. Once your code is submitted, the website creates a form with the finders’ contact details, a picture of your lost item, a form for any special messages, and sends this DIRECTLY to your email address. Recovery is then initiated between the two parties. If mailing is required, the finder can use the LostAndFound.com Shipping Module to generate, bill, and execute postage and handling. If the owner is satisfied after receiving the package, they can elect to send the finder a reward.