
Code Snippets AI

A FREE desktop chat app for the most popular Open/Closed-Source LLMs. Enabling developers to chat with the latest AI models Including GPT-4, Claude2, Mixtral 8x7B, Capybara 7B. ‬

Code Snippets AI is a platform that offers AI-powered Desktop apps, VSCode and Chrome extension to help developers code faster and more efficiently. An enhanced chat interface for the most popular Open and Closed-Source LLMs. Enabling developers to chat with the latest AI models Including OpenAI GPT-4, Claude2, Mixtral 8x7B, Capybara 7B. ‬ It allows users to chat with AI models, generate code snippets, refactor and debug code, and create documentation. ‪Full codebase indexing with embeddings, with file watching and auto indexing. Enabling fully contextually aware AI chats with a ton of AI models!‬ The platform also provides features for collaboration and sharing code with teams. Code Snippets AI offers different pricing plans based on the level of access to AI models.

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