The 4 best Waitlists products

Uneed is a launch platform that lists the best products on the internet since 2019. We've put together a list the 4 best #Waitlists products for you over the years.


Quick and easy waitlist with built in referral. Reward your best waiters. Track the data. All from one dashboard.


The best waitlist and referral marketing tool around!


Run a customizable prelaunch viral waitlist campaign for your startup and collect 10X more signups with a built-in gamified referral program.


RapidForms allows you to create beautiful, customized forms effortlessly. No coding or design skills needed. Focus on what matters most. Build, embed, and match your style with ease.

Breakneck Waitlist
Breakneck's wait list is a tool to make spinning up landing pages even easier. It enables you to take any landing page you like, style it the way you like and start collecting emails with just a single line of code. What I want to do with a new side project or potential business idea is 1) Steal a landing page for example github/cruip/open-react-template 2) Write my copy 3) **Add a wait list to gauge interest** 4) Throw it onto an easy drag and drop host like vercel Step 3 was the one I was struggling with. I dont want to set up a backend. I dont wanna set up a database or google doc. I dont want to set up sendgrid or an email sender. So now I don't need to do that anymore. Now I can just send my one line post request and be done with it.