The 10 best Research products

Uneed is a launch platform that lists the best products on the internet since 2019. We've put together a list the 10 best #Research products for you over the years.


You spend too much time manually searching for customers and get tired responding to each of their mentions without measuring the results? Tapmention simplifies your outreach by using AI to identify and engage with your potential customers automatically on Reddit.
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Special offer for Uneed users who have supported Tapmention, use the code UNEED to get a 30% discount on all products. Valid until the end of July 19, 2024.


Oh, I'm in need of a marketing tool on Reddit, I'll give it a try.


I have been searching for keywords related to my product, turned on AI auto-reply, and it surprised me. I will use it to monitor my product. Thanks to the great tool!


Frontdoor is an AI-powered research and writing tool that helps users collect and organize academic papers, articles, videos, and other resources. It offers features such as smart summaries, AI-generated writing assistance, and the ability to chat with your reading list. Frontdoor is trusted by scholars and researchers and uses the latest AI models like GPT-4 to provide accurate insights. Users can access Frontdoor for free and it aims to simplify the research process by providing a single platform for gathering and analyzing information.
Survser is an intuitive app designed for digital products, enabling users to effortlessly launch microsurveys within their applications. It's the perfect tool for gathering vital feedback through a variety of survey types, including NPS, CSAT, and custom surveys, all at the most competitive prices in the market. Whether it's for improving your product, understanding user satisfaction, or collecting specific data, Survser makes user research accessible and actionable for everyone, especially suited for Solopreneurs and product managers in early-stage startups.
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Explore all past, present and planned rocket launches. Learn more about hundreds of launch providers, vehicles, and sites. And dig into trends and statistics spanning the history of space exploration.
Simply describe a problem you want to solve, and our AI will generate smart questions to ask your audience. Embed our feedback widget anywhere on your products, and Uini will interview users, ask relevant and tailored follow-ups, and summarise the responses for you to action. Validate your idea or features, understand if what you shipped is resonating, stop wasting time on guessing what your customers want and truly get what they're trying to say with Uini. The product is completely free to use for the first 20 responses gathered, after that you can upgrade as you see fit.
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Askpot reinvents the way businesses perform competitive analysis. Leveraging the advanced possibilities of tech and data analysis, Askpot has been designed to analyze the content of any product or service page, deciphering critical information such as Unique Value Proposition, Audience, and Positioning. All of this is accomplished with an efficiency unparalleled in the industry; Askpot makes competitive analysis a staggering 5x faster. But speed is not the only attribute that defines Askpot. At the heart of this service is its ease of use; simply type in the relevant URL and let Askpot deliver valuable insights directly to you. Want to compare results? Askpot lets you export these insights as CSV files for easy, accessible analysis. Askpot’s audience spans individuals and businesses, essentially anyone who needs to extract critical data from a product or service page quickly and efficiently. The service is free, though users looking to dive deeper can take advantage of Askpot’s Pro plan. Behind Askpot is a commitment to accuracy and urgency, realizing the immense value inherent in a tool that can speed up the process of competitive analysis without compromising on results. Trust in Askpot is built not just on its efficiency or user-friendly interface but on the satisfaction of its users and endorsements from industry professionals.
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ReviewMind use AI to analyze App Store reviews and creates a report of what users love/hate. We’ve all been there before, trying to come up with new ideas for our next big app. But the truth is your chances of success are higher if you build for an already validated market. These markets have paying users, existing products, features that worked, and tons of user feedback of everything wrong with existing solutions. And that’s exactly what you need to find your next app idea. The interesting thing about building for an already existing market? You don’t have to waste time building features that users won't use. You also don't need to capture a large portion of the market to be successful; the pie is big enough that if you get 0.01% of the market, you’ll still be raking in some good revenue. All you have to do is address any of the many issues users are having with existing products. It could be pricing issues, buggy functionality, bloated and unnecessary features that make using the product complicated, etc.… You can find all of that inside the App Store user reviews. This is where ReviewMind comes in. It can analyze hundreds of reviews and generate a sentiment or SWOT analysis in seconds. Sentiment analysis will include a list of: - What users love/dislike - Common threads and feature requests - Areas to improve - And market gaps. You can also run a SWOT analysis which will include: - Strengths of the app - Weaknesses - Opportunities - And Threats Other features ReviewMind also comes with a handful of other features that make it easy to filter and sort the actual comments from the users. And the ability to export reports as .md file for later.

Build The Keyword
Find online business ideas that people are actually searching for. Find an untapped keyword, build a relevant product around it, collect some backlinks and get customers on auto-pilot. What is an untapped keyword? - A keyword with significant search volume which means people are actually searching for this - A keyword with low keyword difficulty which means it’s feasible to rank in the top 10 on google - A keyword with enough relevant related keywords to get even more traffic.
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Vibe Scan
Vibe Scan utilizes ChatGPT to track how your brand is being perceived online. Track sentiment from discussions mentioning your brand on Reddit and Twitter. Track sentiment users are likely to encounter when researching your brand.

Freemium is the ultimate tool to help you find relevant research quickly and easily. Simply type in your research question and AnswerThis will generate a comprehensive, academic-quality literature review in seconds, complete with properly formatted citations. Key features of • Instantly generates literature reviews on any research topic • Pulls relevant extracts from academic papers to answer your specific question • Compiles extracts and original source papers in a handy table for easy reference • Writes the literature review in a formal, academic tone suitable for research papers • Saves countless hours of manual research and writing Whether you're an academic, scientist, or analyst, is the powerful research assistant you've been waiting for. Stop wasting time scouring through papers and let AnswerThis do the heavy lifting for you. Try for free and see how this game-changing tool can accelerate your research process today!